Sede Operativa:
Via Ingegno - Lotto 66
84087 Sarno (SA) - ITALY
Chi semina bene... raccoglie meglio!
Diplotaxis tenuifolia
358 COLTIVATA (eruca sativa)
Annual, plant 10-15cm tall, leaves and stems bright green in colour, with a strong aroma. Harvest by cutting leaves above the neck to permit rapid growing back. Can also produce winter harvest if plant are protected with cloches. SOWING: directly outdoors from March to September. Can also be sown in other periods if protected.
This is herbaceous plant found in the wild in Italy. It is quite short and thin, serrated leaves which are bright green in colour and have an intense aroma. Owing to its strong but pleasant flavour, its is particularly suitable for mixed salads or on pizzas. The plant grows well in any type of sol and requires little care. SOWING: it should be bedded out by hand, from March to October and should be protected during the winter months by plastic sheeting.
Vierno è una selezione della classica selvatica che però si adatta a coltivazioni invernarli in quanto ha una crescita molto rapida. Cespo bello con abbondanti foglie di ottima frastagliatura e spessore di colore verde brillante.
This is herbaceous plant found in the wild in Italy. It is quite short and thin, smooth leaves which are bright green in colour and have an intense aroma. Owing to its strong but pleasant flavour, its is particularly suitable for mixed salads or on pizzas. The plant grows well in any type of sol and requires little care. SOWING: it should be bedded out by hand, from March to October and should be protected during the winter months by plastic sheeting.