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Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.



Plant of indeterminate growth, robust and rustic, with leaves that protect the fruit from strong sunligth . Long, rectangular-cylindrical shaped fruit, very uniform, about 80-90 gr. in weight. Dense firm flesh, with small internal loculi. Bright red colour , both internally and externally. Variety suitable for use as fresh produce or for industrial use. Tolerant to Verticillium and Fusarium. SOWING: in seed bed or outdoor in spring. Trasplant seedlings about a month after sowing when the plents are about 20 cm tall. Plant 40 cm apart, leaving 80 cm between rows. We suggest using supports for the plants. 


      sel. TONDO LISCIO

Salad tomato, fairly early variety, 80-85 days. Robust plant with good leaf coverage. Large-sized smooth, round fruit (about 80-200 grs.) with excellent texture and shape. Intense red colour when ripe. SOWING: grow in a greenhouse from July to January for harvesting from October to June or sow outdoors between  March  and June for harvesting in November.


Very early variety for use as fresh produce, ideal for cultivation in greenhouses or outdoors. Very vigorous plant of indeterminate growth, producing flattish fruits with an average weigth of 200 gr. Bright red  in colour, lightly ribbed and with a high sugar content. Firm flesh with excellent flavour. Sow: in greenhouse from March to June.  


Ecotipo Calabrese

New  variety with round-long fruits, very large of pink-red colour, without seed. Ideal for fresh consumption. 
SOWING: in a protected environment from January to April.


Ecotipo delle Costiera Amalfitana

Exceptional variety that is particularly suitable as fresh produce. Indeterminate plant that produces large fruit that is round and pink. It is almost seedless and is not very juicy. Very consistent flesh with a pleasant flavour. 
SOWING: in a protected environment from January to April.


Medium-late variety. Indeterminate plant that is very robust and produces large friut shaped like a bull’s heart. Fleshy fruit that is almost seedless and is light red coloured. In  a seed bed from January to April. Transplant about a month after sowing when the plants are 15/20 cm tall at a distance of 40 cm along the row, leaving 70 cm between rows. SOWING: in a seed bed from January to April. Trasplant about a month after  sowing when th plants are 15/20 cm tall at a distance of 40 cm along the row, leaving 70 cm between rows. The use supports is advisable.


A medium variety. A robust plant with covering foliage. The plant produces deep red bunches of roundish-shapes fruit with a drop-shaped protuberance at the base. The fruit is uniform in size and weighs approximately 25 gr. This variety is particularly popular for consuming plant fresh or for preserving for winter. It is tolerant to dry conditions and is resistant  to the most  common  plant diseases . SOWING: variety best suited to being sown broadcast. Can be sown in a nursery from January to April. 


A strong plant with good foliage cover. The elongated fruit grow in bunches like grapes. They are intense red in colour with a soft, thin skin. The fruit size is uniform and each weighs approx 20 grammes. Corbarino have an exceptional flavour. They are very resistent to dehydration and disease. This variety suitable for fresh consumption and winter preservation. They are presently in demand by tomato processing-industry for the canning of the whole mature fruit. This fruit is called “pomodorino” and is different to the other variety because they have a much lighter flesh and less woody skin. SOWING: in a nursery from January to April.


Selection of typical Ligurian variety. Indeterminate and vigorous plant with early cycle which produces fruits  uniform (gr. 250-300) with ribbed heart shaped, rose-colored, with thick flesh and unique flavor. SOWING: in a protected environment from January to April.



Very productive variety. The plant is very resistent to viruses and drought and has good leaf coverage thet protects fruit from the sun. The intense red-coloured fruits are pear-shaped with a “drop at the end  and weigh about 30-35 gr. This variety is particularly suitable for areas where there is little water. Sowing: in a greenhouse from January to April

306 ROMA V. F.

Early variety with determined growth, very productive. Improved thanks to its strong resistence to Verticillium and Fusarium. Very compact plant with abundant, robust foliage. Produces uniform medium-sized, lamp-shaped fruit, bright red colour. Firm flesh of excellent quality. SOWING: in seed bed or outdoors in spring. Trasplant seedling about a mounth after sowing, when the plants are about 20 cm tall. Plant 40 cm apart leaving 70 cm between rows.


A determinate plant with large fruit. This variety produces fruit in approx . 80-90 days, which ripens gradually. A rustic plant whit covering foliage. The fruit , which is an elongated-cylindrical shape and weighs approx 70 gr., has an excellent colour and is very uniform. This variety is particular suitable for consuming fresh . variety best suited to beigen sown broadcast. SOWING: variety best suited to being sow broadcast. Can be sow in a nursery from January to April.


Determinate growth variety, medium maturità. Produces small 30-35 g.berries, round, bright red colour, of excellent consistency and flavour. Suitable for eating fresh. SOWING: in protected environment from January to April. Trasplant made when the plants have reached a height of about 20 cm, keeping a distance of about 70 cm between rows and 40 cm between plants in the same row.


Galatino Ok.jpg

Variety of the mini-plum type with a specific and very compact plant. The production is excellent and the maturation is very uniform. The olive-shaped fruits are small (25-30 g) and of good consistency, when ripe they have a bright red color. Galatino is suitable for industrial transformations, the cherry tomato, but it is also appreciated for the fresh market, with bunch and single fruit harvests.


Late semi-cultivated variety ideal for storing. Medium-small yellowish-orange fruits, round and smooth, with firm flesh, ideal for conversation during winter. Sowing: Under glass from January to April, transplanting when the plants reach a height of around 20 cm, at intervals of 40 cm with about 70 cm between rows. SOWING: in a protected environment from January to April. Trasplant when the sedlings are about 20 cm. tall, rows 40 cm. apart leaving 70 cm. between the rows. 

334 DAVIS UC 82

A plant of determinate bearing. Early variety with abundant crop even in unfavourable years. The fruit is square egg-shape and well-sized, about 90 gr., excellente colour and  sweet residue. Resistant to dry rot and Verticiliosis. SOWING: in a protected environment from January to April. Trasplant when the sedlings are about 20 cm. tall, rows 40 cm. apart leaving 70 cm. between the rows. 


A very productive variety, resisten to dehydration, diseases and viruses. It is in demand from the tomato-processing industry fro canning the “ pomodorino”. The fruit are olive – shaped and weigh 25-30 grammes. They are easy to pick and pack. For these reasons they are perfect for mechanical harvesting and hidly suitable for the canning industry.  SOWING: in a protected environment from January to April.


The fruiti s squared and medium-sized with good consistency and colour. This is a compact plant of average size with good foliage cover. With concentrated and early maturity, the Rio Grande is ideal for mechanical harvesting . this variety has demonstarated an optimum suitablility for a variety of areas. It has a strong resistence to Verticillium and fusarium. We recommend very limited use of azote for mechanical harvesting. SOWING: sow in a protected environment from January to April.

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