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Pisum Sativum


Climbing plant among the earliest, 130-140 cm high., it needs supports. Round seed grain with smooth surface. The pods are 7-9 cm long., straight, light green in color, containing 9-10 seeds. SOWING: it is done in autumn and in spring  in rows at an interval of 80 cm and in a continuous line on the row, using about 15 Kg of seeds in a plot of land of 1000 sqm.


A very fruitful climbing plant, it is 140-150 cm tall. It needs supports, such as poles and plastic nets. It is an early variety with round fruits in big, long, light green pods containing 10-11 round, smooth and very tasty fruits. SOWING: it is done in autumn and in spring  in rows at an interval of 80 cm and in a continuous line on the row, using about 15 Kg of seeds in a plot of land of 1000 sqm.


Creeper variety, 140-150 cm high, medium late, it needs support (poles and plastic nets). Pods 10-13 cms long, straight of a dark green colour. Clear green wrinkled seed. SOWING: done in autumn and in spring in rows at a distance of 80 cm, using around 15 kgs of seed per 1000 sqm.

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