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Vicia faba


The fava bean is able to adapt to diverse climactic conditions, however it favors more temperate climates.  It cannot be cultivated in times of excessive draught and does not fare well in temperatures below 0°C.  For germination to occur temperatures of 5-6°C are necessary. Blossoming requires 8-10°C and 15-20°C for ripening.  The particular sweet taste and painstaking harvest of the “sfardella” fava bean makes it a rather rare type of crop. This crop produces a great variety of plants with on average a late maturity cycle as well as tall strong plants which produce long pods (35/40 cms) each containing 8 beans.  The form of the bud is slightly curved in the shape of an S, while each section contains a good abundance which facilitates the harvest as well as every successive care and handling of the product. SOWING: It is best to plant in October/November in South-Central Region and in February/March in the Northern parts. Plant the seed (minimum 2 per every hole) 3-5 cm below the ground and at a distance of 60-80cm between rows and centimeters.  About 15-20 cms between every hole in each row.  For every hectare (2.47 acres) about 120 to 150 kilograms of seeds are required.  When the stalk reaches 15-20 cms it benfits from a limited amount of weeding and increased soil output.  The gradual harvest of the pods is done manually when the seed has reached its half-thickness, with frequency much higher as the spring season approaches.



Very early variety. Hardy plant about 70 cm high, which produces abundantly on the first stage, has long pods about 25 cm. with 6-7 grains that are fully ripe assume a characteristic purple color. SOWING: is carried out from October to December, with row spacing of 70-100 cm. and along the row of 15-30 cm. with use of 150-250 kg / ha of seed and sowing depth of 5-10 cm



Late variety with exceptional productivity, it is characterized by its long pods (25-30) cm) with 6-7 internal grains, pending, uniform and of a beautiful shiny green colour. It is particularly appreciated by the fresh market sector.
SOWING: it is sown at a rate of 120-150 kg per hectare, during the months of October-November; in colder climates in February-March. The seeds must be set in line at a distance of 30 cm and 60 between the rows. When the seedlings reach the height of 20 cm, they are tucked by 10 cm, hence facilitating the development to an early production.


            VIOL. sel. BELLA MORA

Very early variety. Rustical, about 70 cm high plant, that carries abondant fruit on the highest stages. It has 25 cm long pods, with 6-7 grains each. Fresh grains are green, turning at their full ripeness (dried grain) into their typical violet. SOWING: from October to December in 70-100 cm distant rows and 15-30 cm among the lines, using 150-200 kg/ha seed, and sowing at a depth of 5-10 cm.


A medium-late variety, it is extremely fruitful, with straight round flat pods. They are 25-30 cm long and contain 7-8 seeds. SOWING: it is done with 120-150 kg of seeds per hectare in October – November; in colder climates the sowing takes place in February-March. The seeds are covered with a layer of soil at a distance of 30 cm on the row and 60 between the rows.  When the small plants are 20 cm tall, earth them up for 10 cm, allowing them to grow faster and give early fruits.


It is an extremely early variety. It is a plant that grows very high and is very fruitful. Its fruits are about 24-26 cm long, they have an intense bright green colour and contain 6-7 seeds in a pod. This plant is highly appreciated for fresh consumption. It can be cultivated for early crops. In hot climates if the sowing takes place in August, the pods can be picked and sold fresh in November.
SOWING: it is done with 100-120 kg of seeds per hectare from August to October. The seeds are covered with a layer of soil at a distance of 30 cm on the row and 60 between the rows. When the small plants are 20 cm tall, earth them up for 10 cm, making their growth easier and having an early crop.


          sel. 4 COCCI

Fava Corta

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